President's Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Spring Research Symposium

Monday and Tuesday, February 28 and March 1, 2022 | 9 AM to 12 PM

(Dr. Katerina Gonzales will present on Monday, February 28 at 10 AM)

Register for the Zoom event

A photo of Katerina Gonzales at her computer

UMN President's Postdoctoral Fellowship Program is hosting its Spring Research Symposium virtually. Come hear about the exciting research projects being led by fellows across the University. Register for the Zoom event.

President's Postdoctoral Fellow Dr. Katerina Gonzales will present on Monday, February 28 at 10 AM:

Mainstreaming Adaptation to Extreme Precipitation at a West Coast Water Utility by Engaging Precipitation First-Responders

Event Speaker
Katerina Gonzales

Dr. Katerina Gonzales is a climate scientist who studies extreme weather and climate events in order to help communities adapt to climate change. She earned her PhD in climate dynamics at Stanford University, and previously, studied Geophysics at Colorado School of Mines.

Born and raised in Colorado, she remembers growing up with wildfires erupting across the region in the summer and warmer winters leading to more pine beetle tree deaths. Her career is dedicated to making our natural and social environments more habitable, equitable, and liberative for all.