
Name Areas of Interest Email
Adam Birr
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Contaminant Hydrology and Water Quality, Crops, Land Use and Land Cover Change, Nutrient Management

[email protected]
Kenneth Blumenfeld
Senior Climatologist, Minnesota State Climate Office, Adjunct Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Anna Cates
Assistant Extension Professor

Soil Health, Soil Carbon, Soil Organic Matter Pools, Soil Aggregation, Cropping Systems

[email protected]
Brent Dalzell
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Biogeochemistry, Contaminant Hydrology and Water Quality, Ecosystem Modeling

[email protected]
Mindy Erickson
Adjunct Professor

Hydrogeology, Groundwater, Contaminants and Pollution 

[email protected]
Fabian Fernandez
Professor, Co-Director of Graduate Studies

Contaminant Hydrology and Water Quality, Crops, Nutrient Management

[email protected]
Gary Feyereisen
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Biogeochemistry, Contaminant Hydrology and Water Quality, Crops

[email protected]
Joshua Gamble
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Agroecology, Cropping Systems, Agronomy

[email protected]
Timothy Griffis

Atmosphere-Biosphere Interactions, Biogeochemistry, Biometeorology

[email protected]
Jessica Gutknecht
Associate Professor

Soil Environmental Microbiology, Sustainable Ecosystems 

[email protected]
Satoshi Ishii
Associate Professor

Aquatic Microbiology, Biogeochemistry, Biotechnology, Contaminant Hydrology and Water Quality, Environmental Microbiology, Soil Environmental Microbiology

[email protected]
Nic Jelinski
Associate Professor

Pedology, Soil Management 

[email protected]
Daniel Kaiser
Associate Professor

Crops, Nutrient Management

[email protected]
Diana Karwan
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Forest Hydrology, Catchment Science, Critical Zone Science, Watershed Management

[email protected]
Randy Kolka
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Land Management, Natural Ecosystems

[email protected]
Yuxin Miao
Associate Professor, Associate Director of the Precision Agriculture Center

Precision Agriculture, Remote Sensing, Plant Nutrition, Sustainable Agriculture, Agroecology

[email protected]
Dylan Millet
Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Co-Director of Graduate Studies

Atmosphere-Biosphere Interactions, Atmospheric Chemistry, Climate Change

[email protected]
David Mulla
Professor, Larson Endowed Chair in Soil and Water Resources, Executive Committee Member at the National Institute of Artificial Intelligence in Climate Land Interactions for Mitigation, Adaptation, Tradeoffs and Economy (AI-CLIMATE)

Precision Agriculture, Precision Conservation, Water Quality, Watershed Management and Modeling

[email protected]
Peter Neff
Assistant Professor

Ice Core Paleoclimatology, Glaciology, Climate Science, West Antarctic Climate, Science Communication

[email protected]
Paulo Pagliari
Associate Professor

Crops, Nutrient Management

[email protected]
Lindsay Pease
Assistant Professor, Extension Specialist in Nutrient and Water Management

Contaminant Hydrology, Water Quality, Nutrient Management

[email protected]
Pamela Rice
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Contaminant Hydrology and Water Quality, Environmental Chemistry

[email protected]
Heidi Roop
Assistant Professor, Extension Specialist, Director, Climate Adaptation Partnership

Climate Change, Climate Impacts, Climate Adaptation, Climate Change Communication, Science-society Interactions

[email protected]
Carl Rosen

Contaminant Hydrology and Water Quality, Crops, Environmental Chemistry, Nutrient Management

[email protected]
Michael Schmitt
Professor, Associate Dean of CFANS and Extension

Extension, Manure Application, Nutrient Management 

[email protected]
Vasudha Sharma
Assistant Extension Professor

Irrigation Water Management, Water Quality

[email protected]
Kurt Spokas
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Research Leader, USDA-ARS

Biogeochemistry, Contaminant Hydrology and Water Quality, Soil Physics

[email protected]
Jeff Strock

Biogeochemistry, Contaminant Hydrology and Water Quality, Soil Physics

[email protected]
Brandy Toner

Biogeochemistry, Environmental Chemistry

[email protected]
Rodney Venterea
Adjunct Professor

Soil Biogeochemistry

[email protected]
Brent Williams
Department Head, Professor

Air Quality, Climate Change, Atmosphere-Biosphere Exchange, Wildfires, Indoor Air Quality, Aerosol Science & Technology, Environmental Health, Public Health, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and Air Toxins

[email protected]
Melissa Wilson
Associate Professor

Manure Nutrient Management & Water Quality

[email protected]
Kari Wolf
Teaching Assistant Professor

Biogeochemical processes in the soil, Hydrology, Undergraduate pedagogy

[email protected]
Ce Yang
Assistant Professor

Precision Agriculture, Remote Sensing, Machine Vision, Spectroscopy, Hyperspectral Imaging, Machine Learning, Big Data in Agriculture

[email protected]
Kyungsoo Yoo

Biogeochemistry, Natural Ecosystems, Pedology

[email protected]