CFANS Climate Solutions: Adaptation in Action

Minnesota State Fair
August 26 to September 6 | 9 AM to 9 PM daily

Visit the full exhibit in the Southwest wing of the Agriculture Horticulture building at the Minnesota State Fair.

Climate change can affect the health of individuals and communities in far-reaching ways. Human and animal health, agriculture and food security, transportation, energy, and ecosystems both urban and rural are all anticipated to experience continued disruption in the days ahead.

CFANS researchers are working to advance climate change solutions, from the soil in which we grow our food to the outdoors we love in Minnesota. In our exhibit, "CFANS Climate Solutions: Adaptation in Action," at the Minnesota State Fair, we highlight how our experts are using innovative approaches and tools to grow staple crops more efficiently and sustainably, simulating future conditions to study current impacts, assessing risks and making preparation plans for our communities.